I train people to think critically about their racial socialization. In corporate, educational, and not-for-profit sectors I address racial inequity using race-based models and programing that foster racial literacy, diversity and inclusion practices, cultural competency, and anti-racism initiatives.
I offer training for academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and corporations. Here’s a general overview of how we partner together.
Racial literacy is a way of perceiving and responding to the racial climate and racial structures individuals encounter; an acceptance of the following principles:
(1) a recognition of the symbolic and material value of Whiteness; (2) racism as a current social problem, rather than a historical one; (3) an understanding that racial identities are learned and an outcome of social practices; (4) the possession of racial grammar and vocabulary that facilitates a discussion of race, racism, and anti-racism; (5) the ability to translate (interpret) racial codes and racialized practices; and (6) an analysis of the ways that racism is mediated by class inequalities, gender, hierarchies, and heteronormativity (Twine, 2004, 2006, 2007).
Anti-racism was first introduced in post-colonial France as a concept that fostered “enlightenment.” The original term was seen as a “tradition” that inculcates beliefs, value systems, and conventions of behavior (Loyd, 2008). In its contemporary domestic form, Black and Brown scholars adapted the term to capture a decolonized way of existing in myriad forms. Anti-racis(m/ist) is now meant to embody an identity–existing to dismantle white supremacy and critically challenge one’s complicity in it. (This reading list is a great place to begin the conversation).
Equity-based training teaches concepts that transcend the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” model that capitalizes on social norms and white social constructs that unknowingly reify whiteness and white supremacy. Understanding the difference between equality and equity is key. Equality is defined as the state of being “equal.” We know that “equality” is ideal just as “colorblindness” (a heavily entrenched concept that is often employed despite its harm) is ideal. These concepts are rooted in the delusion that white supremacy does not exist. Equity addresses an imbalance in systems and is proactive rather than reactive.
First: Imagine you were on the other side of our racial caste system and you experienced on a daily basis: dehumanization, tokenization, disenfranchisement, never being given the benefit of the doubt, hypervigilance, cognitive dissonance, fear of brutality resulting in your murder, shame, guilt, anger, resentment, lethargy, and a host of other psychological consequences, that over time, broke down your immune system, increased your chance of heart disease and diabetes, and stripped you of your ability to dream.
Second: Develop a RaceTalk narrative in person or via the online course coming soon!
Third: Utilize the resources provided.
Fourth: Educate yourself.
Fifth: Take ownership for your complicity in white supremacy and be intentional by removing your white racial frames.
Sixth: Schedule a RaceTalk workshop or panel.
Fill out the form to download my pdf. If you’re an Educator, learn the basics and what you can do to help.
Humanize the racial experience by contacting me for a free consultation to discuss your critical race needs.
Racial Literacy Advocates LLC is a consulting firm that addresses racial inequity in corporate, educational, and not-for-profit sectors by integrating race-based models and programming that foster racial literacy, diversity and inclusion practices, cultural competency, and anti-racism initiatives in the workplace.